If you didn't already know, we will quickly be transitioning to Halo 4 when it comes out. There may be changes that will be made to the clan to better fit Halo 4. Good news is, they have officially confirmed armor customization; it looks like there will be more armor types than any other Halo game too!  Some of the armor from Halo Reach is being remade in Halo 4, such as: HAZOP, RECON, and GUNGNIR.  There will also be weapon and armor skins; I know some of these come with the game when pre-orderd, but there is a possibility they will be available to unlock later in the game, similar to the Recon Helmet on Reach. I will probably leave the weapon skins as a personal choice, but I'm not sure about the armor skins.  I may leave armor skins up to the division to decide but this is subject to change. 

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