Developing A New Look

I'm going to be changing the overall layout of the website at some point. I want to make the website appeal to the website viewers. You guys are my viewers so, in order to make a website that appeals to my viewers, I'll need feedback.  Post some features and ideas that you would like to see in the new layout in the comments. Also state some things that you would like to stay in the new layout. 

Screenshot Project

Agency clan members will now be able to submit their own work for the new website layout.  I'm going to create a new website banner and our Screenshot Project allows members to submit Halo Reach or Halo 4 screenshots to be apart of the new banner.  Basically the banner is going to be large text that reads "Agency" with a collage of screenshots inside the text.  It will look similar to the Marvel Intro with the comics inside the "Marvel" text.

Submit a Screenshot

To submit a screenshot, just add it to your file share and message me about it. The screenshot should be of Agency clan member(s). Be creative with your screenshots. Make them be more than just a spartan or group of spartans posing for a picture.
Here's an unfinished preview of the banner.
10/1/2012 06:21:38 am

A Media Tab

10/1/2012 06:30:57 am

There will definitely be a media tab. It will consist of our YouTube videos and hopefully I'll be able to add a screenshot gallery or something.


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