
With the release of Halo 4, there's going to be a sort of clean slate for clans to hit the spot light. I not only want to recruit after Halo 4's release but I also want to become well known. Releasing a Halo 4 online multiplayer montage early after the games release has the potential to make us become well known in the Halo community.


Our main priorities as a clan for Halo 4 are to:
  • Recruit
  • Collect clips for a montage
  • Build up our skill in Halo 4 multiplayer

Montage Details

The montage that I want to create will consist of gameplay from Halo 4 Matchmaking in 4v4 competitive gametypes only. (not BTB, Grifball or Infection) Preferred clips would include: multi-kills, collaterals, trick-shots,etc. The gameplay will be edited in Sony Vegas and will be beat-synced to some type of electronic music with added special effects such as slow-motion. The montage would be uploaded to our YouTube channel: OfficialAgencyMedia.

If you ever have some decent gameplay or clips, just put in your file share and send me a XBL message about it.
11/2/2012 07:52:48 am

Hey Pun, I'm going to be getting a HD PVR 2 for Christmas so I will be making lots of videos for my upcoming Youtube channel. Also, I'll probably won't be getting Halo 4 when in releases so I'll be on at the end of November. I'm going to get live at the end of November also. If you didn't know already, I got banned on my other account for modding on Minecraft, so I'll be on my new account for now on.

11/2/2012 01:05:55 pm

Sweet! What are you gonna make videos on?

11/2/2012 11:56:25 pm

On Minecraft, Black Ops 2, and Halo 4.

11/3/2012 07:29:23 am

If you ever make any videos for the clan, I can upload them to our channel. What are the Halo videos gonna be about?

11/3/2012 09:33:49 am

Mainly just multiplayer gameplay, forge, montages, and machinamas. Maybe a campaign playthrough.

11/3/2012 09:36:40 am



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