Welcome to the new official website of The Agency. This is the Agency News Board. News and Announcements will be posted here periodically. The News Board is similar to a blog. Certain people can make posts but anyone can comment on the posts. The News Board is a replacement for the news post from our old Bungie.net site, which we will no longer use; I will be deleting it soon. 

The new website is great. As you can see, I made the site using Weebly. I worked on it for about a week before publishing it, but it is still a work in progress. There are more things I plan on adding to the site. The new website has tons of advantages.

  • It is more appealing than Bungie.net.
  • It is easier to access.
  • It is more likely for the public to find the site. (We may gain recruits just by people coming across the site)
  • I can post pictures and embed You Tube videos.
  • The site can be viewed on smart phones. (Mobile version and Desktop version)
  • Editors can edit the site with their smart phones using the Weebly app.
  • It can hold multiple pages.
  • It as more features.
  • etc.

The website overall is a huge plus, but there is just two disadvantages.

  • Everything is public. (On Bungie.net everything was private)
  • I cant assign  custom roles to editors. (In other words, editors can edit anything they want)

Hopefully I'll come up with a solution to both of these problems. For now though, editors will not be allowed edit anything other than their assigned pages or they will face the consequences stated under "Consequences" on the "Rules" page. 

Please take a look at all of the rules on the "Rules" page. There are tons of new rules that you need to know. 

Remember: Anyone can comment on these News Posts so why not make the site look active? Comment on it! State your opinion!

Your Reverand
8/7/2012 02:29:29 pm

I see in the "Join Us" section, it says who recruited you is mandatory. What if they find the site through search of the internet?? I think below the box to enter the name of who recruited you, you should put a selection of "Website."

8/8/2012 11:45:24 am

If you hover over the slot where you type the gamertag of the person that recruited you, it says, "If nobody recruited you, type "ME." The reason I have them type who recruited them is so I can validate that the member actually recruited someone rather than just say they recruited someone.


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